
Here you will find timetable information concerning courses and activities, locations, staff etc. for the University of Copenhagen. As changes can occur in the scheduling information in relation to both time and location, it is recommended that you regularly keep track of any changes.

Other information about the courses, etc. is found in the Course Catalogue.

How the information is displayed: Start by selecting the academic year and faculty. If you study Public Health, then please be aware that courses are taught in the Faculty of Social Sciences and the information therefore is displayed there. Then select what you want information on:
Modules: activities in a specific discipline
Student Sets: activities for a specific student set
Rooms: activities conducted in a specific location
Staff: activities for a teacher
Zones: activities for an entire faculty / department or a zone.

Academic year 24/25

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Theology

Academic year 23/24

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Theology

Contact: If you have questions regarding the activities (time, place etc.), please contact the institute.